11,000 Mile Trip To Run Arkell's Cotswold Hotel 16/03/2022
The Priory Inn in Tetbury, Gloucestershire welcomes a new management family via Tasmania and Sussex.
The Arkell's Brewery owned 14-bedroom hotel will now be managed by husband and wife - Matt and Natalie Starkey, with their children, Tommy 11 and Zoe, eight years old.
They ran their own restaurant on the other side of the world before coming to the UK, where Matt is originally from, six years ago to be closer to his parents.
The venue, known for its '30 mile' radius food sourcing will have a menu and service makeover under the experienced hospitality couple, who want to make the venue "accessible to all and a great destination for the family," Natalie said.

Enjoying Tetbury life: the Starkey family, now settling in at The Priory Inn
"We have come from a pub in Battle in Sussex to Tetbury to raise our children in a beautiful town and to try our hand at running a bigger venue," the new Priory chef and manager Matt said. "It is a lovely area and we have already met so many great people.
"Having had my own restaurant before and doing my own butchery I really want to overhaul what the offering is here. It is important to have classics like ham, egg and chips but I will also be having a pork special as I have already developed a relationship with Plump Hill Farm, to use their Gloucester Old Spot. We will be doing our own sausages and other bits to utilise what is a great local ingredient.
"I will be sourcing from the allotment, at the back of the hotel, when it is ready to go as well as using herbs from the amazing garden at the front of the building."
When asked what he would recommend, his early enthusiasm showed: "Loads of burgers or the trio of local lamb, rack, rump, lamb chop, mint red wine jus. Maybe the gambas, chanterelles, baked Camembert, the lot."
For more information, please contact The Priory Inn 01666 502251 or email: